Rottweilers In Need
Annual report for 2015/2016 
author Mrs Ann Evans.
At the end of March 2016 we will have reached a ‘MILESTONE‘ by completing a decade of Rescue, Rehabilitation,
Re -homing & Refuge.
We feel, that, in itself is not really a cause for celebration, and desperately wished we did not have to exist.
But sadly we do! However, we are happy to celebrate that in the past 10 years,
we have managed to secure ‘forever homes’
or provide sanctuary
for the rest of their lives
within our organisation
for 353 Rottweiler’s (including the odd cross).
Plus 6 Cats! (editors note: and some chickens!)
The past year has been really hard at times, with the run up to Christmas 2015 being particularly bad,
and the worst we have experienced
thus far. It has had the touch of ‘Herod’ about it, as the great majority
of those being cast-out have been young males, ages ranging from 5 to 18 months.
Their problems in general were little more than lack of effort on the part of the owner to instil a modicum of discipline,
with the application of basic training, and or, directing their youthful energy in a positive way, through exercise and play…
Who sells these people dogs?
Well I can assure you, and I am in fact pleased, to say, that,
in every case we dealt with it was not a reputable breeder…2 of the couples bred them themselves,
from their own bitch,
and still had the cheek to off load them when they could not ‘cope’ or were being threatened
with eviction because
these bored and frustrated
dogs were causing havoc in the home/property.
The others were mostly purchased for a couple of hundred pounds from pet-dog owners/ breeders,
with an illegal dock thrown in as well, in two cases! I am happy to report that all have responded well to our training regimes,
some needing little more than a firm hand,
and that most of them are now settled in sound permanent homes and doing well.
Figures for the past year, are as follows; Dogs Re-homed = 30. Hopefully the total will be 32 by the end of month.
They are 16 x Males & 14 Females, 16 were taken in from Pet Homes and 14 from Dog Pounds.
One bitch came into us from Greece
(it is not our policy if I might add, to bring dogs in from other countries,
as we feel we have more than we can cope with here, already).
We were approached by an English lady who runs a rescue in Greece, pleading for help to secure this poor dogs future.
With the current climate in Greece
so dire, she felt this young bitch, who had already suffered severe neglect,
had no hope of a suitable home out there.
The lovely ‘Liza’ came in to us, and is now in a loving home.
We are currently Supporting 20 dogs, 6 of these are on our Sponsorship Scheme as long- term dogs;
Gerry, Fynn, Ringo, Mr Darcy, Riley & Kelly.
The remaining 14 are 8 males & 6 females, 9 are from pet-homes & 5 from Pounds,
ages ranging from 7 months – 8 yrs. Sadly we lost 3 of our precious older dogs to 3 different Cancers
and 2 were from our Sponsorship Scheme,
dearest Tess at 11yrs old, & Dustin (Dusty-bin) who was 8 years,
and then our most handsome GSD x Rott. Coll he was only 6½ yrs, not so old.
They were so loved by us, as indeed they all are.
We have been overwhelmed by the financial support we have received over the past year, lots of lovely people
with their own innovative ideas on how to raise money for our cause.
We have also been touched, and humbled by the number of people who have asked for donations
in memory of their departed loved ones,
to be given to us, to help our work. Many Breed Clubs now support our efforts,
the BRA, LASER, Eastern Counties, South West, Rottweiler.
Club of Wales & The Rottweiler. Club itself.
We could not do what we do without all this kindly backup, which also serves as a great morale booster,
to us on the front-line,
when we feel we cannot cope with the constant demands put upon us.
It has of course resulted in the afore mentioned 353 dogs, being the ultimate beneficiaries of your kindness and generosity,
as all who work within our small group, are happy to be unpaid volunteers.
So please do continue to help us in any way you feel you can,
so that we may help even more, ROTTWEILERS IN NEED
Ann Evans. ( R.I.N ).
March 2016